Some mornings we pop out of bed, and others we lie in bed - Why?

Some mornings we easily pop out of bed, and others, we lie in bed - Why?

A large Fullpower-AI study shows that our nightly heart rate deviations from typical correlate with how long we spend in bed after waking in the morning.  This analyses study is 370,000+ nights of sleep.

We know from our past research that several factors can influence a person's sleep (alcohol consumption, sickness, stress) and that these factors often manifest as a change in heart rate.  In this study, we consider continuous heart rate as a proxy for a good night's sleep.  The assumption is that if the sleeper's heart rate is elevated or reduced from typical, it might suggest some sleep disruption. 

The plots show a user's time in bed after waking (blue) and sleep quality index (red) on a given night vs. the number of standard deviations from the mean of a user's heart rate.

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