Premium Advanced Subscription

Subscription Information

The Sleeptracker® Premium Advanced subscription unlocks unlimited AI-Cloud storage for your sleep recordings. With a free account, you are only able to access the last running 365 days of your sleep reports. As you build up your sleep recordings, having the option to access your old sleep reports will allow you to better understand your sleep trends over the years.

  • TIP 1: to view your sleep mapped out with averages from each month in the given year, navigate to the Sleep Analysis screen in the Sleeptracker® app and then tap the Year tab (towards the top right).
  • TIP 2: you can easily navigate to an individual sleep recording from the Week, Month, or Year tab. For instance, to easily jump to your recording from January 1st from the Year tab, tap the Jan bar in the sleep graph > Jan 2021 in the pop-up > tap the bar for the recording on the 1st, and then tap Jan 1, 2021. Additionally, at the very bottom of a sleep report (while in the Day tab), you can select View Quick Tips, to see additional tips for the Sleep Analysis screen.
Manage your Subscription


  1. Launch the Play Store app 
  2. Select your Profile icon (top right) > Payments & subscriptions > Subscriptions
  3. Locate and select Sleeptracker® Premium > follow the instructions

For more information on managing your current subscription(s), see Google's support page.


  1. Launch the Settings app 
  2. Select your name > Subscriptions
  3. Locate and select Sleeptracker® Premium

For more information on managing your current subscription(s), see Apple's support page.

Other Subscription Help

Please contact the advanced support team if you need further assistance with your subscription.


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