Sleep Quality

Calculating your sleep quality

The sleep quality metric is an indicator of your overall sleep quality. It ranges from 0 to 100 typically, with values up to 110 possible for exceptional nights. Total sleep is the most important factor, with sleep efficiency, time spent in different sleep phases, and number of wake-ups contributing as well. A good goal for yourself is a consistent sleep quality metric of 75 or higher.


Improving your sleep quality

Simply put, the best thing you can do to improve your sleep quality is get more sleep. With more total sleep, you will typically get more deep and REM sleep, which will also contribute to improving your sleep quality metric.

If you feel like you spend as much time in bed as your schedule permits, think about trying to improve your sleep efficiency. For people who often sleep through the night, this means falling asleep faster at bedtime. Eliminating caffeine intake at least six hours before bed, exercising during the day, eating your last meal 2–3 hours before bedtime, and limiting your exposure to bright lights and blue light (TV, phones, tablets) after dark are examples of things that can help you fall asleep faster. These can also help you get more deep sleep during your initial sleep cycle.

For people who typically wake up during the night, try increasing your sleep efficiency by reducing or eliminating alcohol consumption, limiting your fluid intake 1–2 hours before bedtime, using a white noise generator or fan to soften noises during the night, and keeping your room cool, dark, and quiet, among other things.

As a rule, try to improve your sleep quality by making small incremental changes to your sleep habits. When you change your approach to sleep a little bit at a time, you increase your chances of finding yourself sleeping more, and sleeping better for the long-term.

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